How to Easy Learn HEXADECIMAL Code

Omnivore Good evening! Okhe, at this time I will discuss how to learn is to make a hexadecimal code. Touch my friends in college I found that there is still confusion in making the hexadecimal code, because I've been getting sleepy and I still have a duty to keep my brother who has been a week of being in the hospital due to heart disease relapse, and I hopefully his speedy recovery! I will shorten my post this time. OKhe, first of all we must have a Hexadecimal code table in order to facilitate the way we learn this time, the table as shown below!

Hexadecimal table code

the way it works is very simple, we can start by making a very simple digits. for example like the letter "A" (A big / capital) well, here we try to see the row of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 with VERTICAL HORIZONTAL manner. Look at the letter "A" contained in part, in this case there is the figure "41" look at the picture below!

Hexadecimal table code

Well, we can see that the horizontal rows and columns are the number "4" and the rows and vertical columns are the number "1". Thus, the conclusion to make the letter "A" (capital), then Hexanya code is "41" as well as with the letter "B" (capital), which is one row below the letter "A". with its hex code "42". and so on! see the image below!

Hexadecimal table code

And so on! :) Okhe, so many of the tutorials from me, touch my younger brother had to keep me in the hospital, presumably unwilling to forgive if something is missing in this tutorial,. goodnight bye! greetings omnivores! or can also go directly to its translation program! click here


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Install Ubuntu 12.04 Dualboot Windows 7 Have Installed

Good afternoon, this time I will discuss how to install the Operating System (OS) 12:04 Ubuntu Linux dual boot Windows already installed. Hehehe ... touch my friend wanted to install linux with reasons for wanting to linux, well ... I take any opportunity to make screenshots for this tutorial. Okhe ... than I mostly ngebacot in this post, I'd better go ahead this post!

The first thing we have to prepare, namely, ISO linux ubuntu 12:04, at this stage I am using flash to boot the ISO Linux root. Well, the second thing we must have is patience okhe, just this tutorial!

first, insert a USB flash boot into port! Further into the bios setup to boot flash. Furthermore, the computer will go through the flash boot linux, not to the hard drive. then, select install ubuntu 12:04 LTS see the image below!

Install ubuntu

Choose the language you understand! Then click "Continue". nah, then click "Continue"

Install ubuntu

Furthermore, if you guys do not want to make an internet connection at the time of installation, simply click "Continue" as shown below!

Install ubuntu

Well, once you proceed, so perfect installation without having to remove the files and windows system, you select the "Something Else" and click "Continue" to proceed!

Install ubuntu

After continuing, well, the next step you have to carefully first! because if you are not careful in sharing the partition at this stage, it could be pirated Windows OS (if you are not the original) you will Missing total. So, this stage is really very extra careful. View pictures!

Install ubuntu

1. ====> Amount You Want to Create Partition.
2. ====> Format hard drive of your Linux System Used For "Ext4.
3. ====> Mount Point You Used As A "/"

Then select "OK". after you select OK, the next stage distributed Partition To "SWAP" Swap is Virtual Memory. SWAP amount should be 2 times the amount of RAM. In this case, the RAM computer (laptop) my friend has a number of 2GB, so I will share to 4GB. See the picture below! ..

Install ubuntu

1. ====> Number of SWAP partition (2 times RAM)
2. ====> Format Partition Used As SWAP
3. ====> Mount Point SWAP Not Have Mount Point.

Then select "OK". After the division of the partition has been done, then select the "Install Now" to continue the installation. Next you will be asked for information that you were in the country (the state capital). well, we still stay in touch INDONESIA, So .. we select "Jakarta". Then click "Continue". See the picture below! ..

Install ubuntu

Well, then you choose your keyboard typing mode with various options. I recommend select Default course! as shown below! ....

Install ubuntu

Then select "Continue". Once you choose continue, eating the last stage will be easy, that fills your computer username and password of the computer. then you just wait ..... something very fun to me! ... Eits, .. why so singing huh? .... Yes, you are just going to wait until the Computer / Laptop you asking you to do the "Restart".

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