The dangers of smooks for computer

Goodnight lovers computers that do not have a spouse. On this occasion I would like to express my irritation about my lover who has just stricken because of a serious injury to the skin because of a cigarette on a smooth skin that my laptop sticker which became scorched because I smoke near my sweetheart Compaq laptop yaiu 320 of my most dear. This way I had the idea to do the dangers of smoking to health posts computer you all, O my idiot friend. Namely as follows:

1. The dangers of cigarettes can cause your computer sick like blisters on the skin smooth.
2. Bahya cigarettes can also cause your computer to impotence.
3. Smoking also makes your computer barren.
4. For cigarettes, the computer you are experiencing dizziness.
5. Caused by smoking, your computer can not breathe normally as usual.
6. Danger cigarettes can also cause your computer with cancer.
7. Smoking can also cause your computer to crash pregnancy
8. Smoking unwittingly may also cause disturbances in fetal your computer.
9. Smoking can also cause reduced sperm on the laptop.
10. What is even more dangerous, namely, cigarettes can cause your computer breasts become deflated.

From several sources who had ane survey, it causes a danger of smoking on your computer that is a loss of consciousness of the author of this blog or the author of this blog being an idiot. Therefore, stay away from your cigarette on the computer and your laptop! This is the advice of the author of the blog, if you do not stay away from cigarettes from the computer and your laptop, then you will not experience a bad thing. Hopefully my advice work and good day to you all. Good night!

Knowledge, if we not shared with anyone else would just be a crap. I'm not a good person, but I try to be that person. Here I am with all the shortcomings. Infatuated with the network science and women as

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