Send message from ssh with xmessage

In this tutorial, I discuss how to allow the server to send messages from ssh using xmessage in linux. In this tutorial I suggest you to prepare mentally strong and snacks as well as a pack of cigarettes Djarum Black to accompany you on this night.

just than too many strings attached that are not clear, because on this night my head a little unfriendly because I have not been able to youtube ads altogether. Okay, I suggest that you re really ready for this! Straight to.

First, you go first into a remote server via ssh, in case I'm remotely melkymuzawir server with the command "ssh root@IP-address-server".

then run the command "xmessage hallo -display :0&" without quotes.

SSH Linux

And than, you can see in server what you have to do.

kali linux

Well, very easy right ?! It makes you not in vain to buy a pack of cigarettes djarum black and snacks on this night. If there is trouble, or there is an additional bit about this tutorial, then I strongly expect comments from you! Thank you.

Knowledge, if we not shared with anyone else would just be a crap. I'm not a good person, but I try to be that person. Here I am with all the shortcomings. Infatuated with the network science and women as

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