Mungkin cara mudah untuk mengcopy sebuah file dan folder di LINUX sudah cukup banyak tutorialnya! tetapi kali ini saya akan membahas juga masalah ini mumpung kita harus saling berbagi! betul tidak? (Aa Gim style) ^_^
okhe, begini caranya! check this Out!
Cara mengcopy file cp "namafile" /tujuan/ (tanpa tanda petik,)
Cara mengcopy folder cp -r "namafolder" /tujuan/ (tanpa tanda petik,)
dari gambar diatas kita bisa lihat, nama file dan folder beserta tujuan yang hendak di copy kan!
kiranya, seperti begitulah sahabat - sahabat sekalian cara untuk mengcopy file dan folder di terminal LINUX. sekian untuk tutorial saya, selamat malam! jangan lupa di comment ya sahabat -sahabat! karena kita sama-sama belajar dan masih banyak kesalahan saya dalam menuntut ilmu!!!
Cara Copy File Dan Folder Menggunakan Terminal Linux
Cara Copy File Dan Folder Menggunakan Terminal Linux
An easy way to get rich
An easy way to get rich
In an age that is so difficult era when viewed in terms of its economy which is already very difficult to find a job and what if viewed in terms of the ability of this earth is extremely a lot of unemployed who do not work because they are unemployed, his name is also unemployment, where there is unemployment work . Well, if viewed in terms of science has been quite a lot of people who have knowledge but instead there are many people who are unemployed. It is quite unfortunate because in this era has been quite difficult to find jobs.
Perhaps the story of my life experience is not so because it may be my luck, which after the park vocational high school I immediately asked to work in a government agency in a province that I need not mention because I was afraid of being overbearing. My story since graduating high school vocational where am I in the field is the field of information technology which is called the computer and network engineering, after I finished school I studied in various kinds of lectures, and worse my experience this lecture were not so lucky because I probably too like work, because honestly I do not really understand the science of mathematics, so I was less value if the field of mathematics. Terms that I prefer to work for a while, this story may be just about the opening material for me to explain how to become rich. During that time I sat half of the two in the faculty of engineering an existing universities in my country, namely Indonesia, at that time I thought that this course just to get a diploma for work, a day comes I know someone who used within government agencies, I am familiar with when he first time I intern at a computer store. He offered me a job, namely in the field of information technology in an office of the province, there I started to work as an office in the IT field with the status of the contract, actually I was not so keen to be somebody government employees, I am more interested in working in a company where I who became his boss, as my inspiration says "I do not like the boss, I'm the boss".
So one year I worked in a government office that makes me not have the determination to work because I do not work as I expected. Tips from others that I do not "Do not ever be subordinate if you do not want one, be a leader!". Well, after I got out of the institution, there is someone I know in a government agency which is independent agency, maybe it made me interested, and sure enough I accepted the job. Then mid-year I started thinking, if you want to be rich does not seem like this way, do not be a government employee, and sure enough I came out of that agency and went on to study my course back to the first half, and I think that when it wants to work again , in fact this story has nothing to do with the above title. What the fuck? Actually tips to be someone who has a lot of sustenance was simple enough, just by increasing the prayer five times, coupled with the Duha prayer in the morning every day. That fact alone, not by going to a psychic for help jin, even things like that that make you get caught in the fire of hell. Greetings my esteemed bastard!
Restoring files and folders are hidden by Virus
Restoring files and folders are hidden by Virus
Good morning my friend! this time I want to share problems and challenges I have ever faced in my place of work, and associated just my friend also shared problems like this in the "facebook" well, rather than just me who can benefit, better I also share to friends all that my knowledge and reward alms jariah that my friend can also be useful for us,.! Okay, immediately wrote ya! like this tutorial!
- Open CMD (push start+R button) and than type on the box and run "cmd" (without quote)
- Go to the directory where the file / folder is missing! example to my case in disk F, type "F:" (without the quotes)
- The last step, type this command " attrib -s -r -h /s /d" (without the quotes)
- Done , and check with push "dir" (without the quotes)
- Files that are hidden by the virus will reappear
Note this Attrib so can hide the file/directory. The command is, "attrib nama_file +s +r +h"
example : "attrib film18 +s +r +h", "attrib -s -r -h /s /d".
Oke, The only knowledge that can be ane share to friends all! Hope it is useful!
(giat-giat lah anda belajar!)
Cara Masuk dalam TP-LINK
Cara Masuk dalam TP-LINK
Sebelumnya, saya pernah mendengar tentang MODEM SANEX, ketika saya mempelajari mengenai SANEX modem dengan cara cari sana cari sini, :D lalu saya mendapatkan IDE untuk mempelajari cara merubah password dan nama SSID tertentu. yaudah, kita lanjut aja dengan membaca bismiLLAH!!!
1. okhe, langkah awal. kita harus mengkoneksikan dulu komputer kita dengan WIFI .
2. yang ke dua, buka browser anda, misalnya seperti MOZILA FIREFOX, atau GOOGLE CROME. lalu ketikkan di browser bar anda IP routernya! di bagian saya, wifi di tempat saya online menggunakan ip lalu tekan enter!
3. nah, di atas, setelah anda tekan enter, akan muncul tempat login routernya! berikan usernamenya "admin" dan passwordnya jugk "admin" (jika belum diubah). lalu tekan kembali enter .
4. nah, sekarang jika sudah berhasil, anda dapat mengkonfigurasinya dengan sesuka anda! jika anda ingin menggantikan password TP-LINKnya, anda dapat klik system tools seperti dibawah ini!
1. okhe, langkah awal. kita harus mengkoneksikan dulu komputer kita dengan WIFI .
2. yang ke dua, buka browser anda, misalnya seperti MOZILA FIREFOX, atau GOOGLE CROME. lalu ketikkan di browser bar anda IP routernya! di bagian saya, wifi di tempat saya online menggunakan ip lalu tekan enter!
3. nah, di atas, setelah anda tekan enter, akan muncul tempat login routernya! berikan usernamenya "admin" dan passwordnya jugk "admin" (jika belum diubah). lalu tekan kembali enter .
4. nah, sekarang jika sudah berhasil, anda dapat mengkonfigurasinya dengan sesuka anda! jika anda ingin menggantikan password TP-LINKnya, anda dapat klik system tools seperti dibawah ini!
5. okhe, hanya itu yang saya jelaskan, jika ada yang kurang saya mohon komen, jika tidak ada yang kurang, saya pamit dulu mau pulang >_< hehehe.
Cara Cepat Download Dengan Menggunakan Linux
Cara Cepat Download Dengan Menggunakan Linux
apa kabar semuanya? kembali lagi bersama saya DragonCrash! maaf sebelumnya udah lama kagk ngePOS berhubungan saya berada dirumah sakit untuk beberapa hari dan 2 hari sebelumnya saya mengikuti acara LINUX Camp 3 di aceh besar sebagai panitia!
okhe, dari pada banyak basa - basi, mendingan kita lanjut aja mengenai judul di atas.
Pertama, hal yang anda lakukan yaitu mengkoneksikan dahulu komputer/laptop anda dengan internet! setelah terkoneksi dengan internet, langkah ke dua yaitu anda buka terminal dengan perintah ctrl+alt+T nah, setelah panel terminal terbuka, anda dapat memilih didirectory(folder) mana yang hendak anda simpan file yang anda download! jika di bagian saya, saya menyimpannya di harddisk D:\data flash\driver printer\
setelah anda menempatkan directory mana yang hendak anda simpan, sekarang langkah untuk mengeksekusinya! dengan perintah "axel -n 20 link-tujuan " (lihat gambar)
Pertama, hal yang anda lakukan yaitu mengkoneksikan dahulu komputer/laptop anda dengan internet! setelah terkoneksi dengan internet, langkah ke dua yaitu anda buka terminal dengan perintah ctrl+alt+T nah, setelah panel terminal terbuka, anda dapat memilih didirectory(folder) mana yang hendak anda simpan file yang anda download! jika di bagian saya, saya menyimpannya di harddisk D:\data flash\driver printer\
setelah anda menempatkan directory mana yang hendak anda simpan, sekarang langkah untuk mengeksekusinya! dengan perintah "axel -n 20 link-tujuan " (lihat gambar)
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