how to keep your eyes are not sore when slicing and dicing onions

For those of you who like to cook, may often occur when you cook with native spices. Often when slicing onions sometimes your eyes become red and sore. Now I would like to discuss tips on how to keep your eyes are not sore when slicing and dicing onions. Previously I would like to thank my teachers in the field of cooking, which is my own mother. i love you mom! and I also wish to express condolences to the teachers of my computer, python programming teacher is mr.sombrerero loco that now he experienced severe pain that prostate cancer. Well, back to the cook who had'm talking about, let's copy the knowledge of my mother!

tips for eyes do not feel sore and painful while slicing and dicing onions is, red onion chill in the refrigerator first to reduce the scatter of substances contained in the red onion. Well, it's my tips that might help you slice and chop onions safely.

the rest, if you feel not sure what caused the brain because you are too stupid and dumb in terms of cooking, you can be my blog posting your comment below. If you still do not understand, the better you just call my mom at home! thank you!

Knowledge, if we not shared with anyone else would just be a crap. I'm not a good person, but I try to be that person. Here I am with all the shortcomings. Infatuated with the network science and women as

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