The houses are Not Be Attended Angel

Quote the word "Indeed Angels will not go into the house in which there is a dog and a picture" of Ali ibn Abu Talib of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. Surely you can be the answer of the houses will not be entered angel. As already mentioned, we can know that not just any angel went to the house of Muslims and it is spoken by the Prophet Muhammad. This is automatically mean, the Angels will choose certain houses to be entered. 

The houses are Not Be Attended Angel According. As the hadith above, the word of Allah states that the houses in which there are images of sculptures and the dog will not be entered Angel, but not only that. There are other houses that are not entered Angel as written by Abu Hudhayfah Ibrahim ibn Muhammad in his book entitled house Not Attended by Angels.

  1. The house contained a statue in it was clear as the sound hadith above.
  2. The house contained a painting or  the fucking drawing living things.
  3. Houses which are domesticated dogs. This is not a strange thing because the dog was considered unclean according to Imam Qurtubi explaining why.
  4. Houses inhabited by people junub which means have a habit of not performing ablution or bathing of junub.
  5. The house belonged to a man of iniquity against his parents.
  6. The house belonged to people who constantly disobedience.
  7. The house belongs to those who commit great sins and abominations are also not immune to become one of the Angel of Mercy barrier into the house.
  8. The house belonged to people who like the spells and stuff shirk.
  9. The house has a bad smell or house belonging to a man who smeared his body with turmeric.
  10. The house belonged to people who had a dish idols and people who like the fucking of gambling. The fucking second thing that is unclean and hated God.
  11. The house belongs to those who love spree, spending money or the same as the live lavishly.
  12. The house contained a bell in it also includes homes that are not accessible Angels.
  13. Occupied homes for drinking wine or liquor.
  14. His house selfish desires and in which there are blessings.
  15. The fucking house where the Name of Allah is not mentioned in it.
  16. The fucking house where play or hold a song other than the name of God in it.
  17. The house is inhabited by people who love to eat usury.
  18. The house belonged to people who do not maintain a relationship relationship or decide.
  19. The house belonged to people who are greedy and like to eat the orphan's property.
  20. The house belonged to people who like to berate.
By making a list or review the characteristics of the shunned house this angel is not intended to scare, but rather to provide more knowledge again and make it as a reference for us to be more proficient in the care of the house. Angel of mercy keep the house like the house we are aware of all of this main goal. Would be a good thing and to be a blessing as well when the angel visited the house for the same grace of God given to our family. If you do not want the angel away from our homes and reluctant to enter, make sure that our homes are not included in the characteristics mentioned above. We place this shelter must be free of any unwelcome Angel Angel so happy and feel at home while visiting. And hopefully by knowing what kind of houses are not going to enter the angels be useful for us.

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how to avoid sleep disturbance due to pressure from the supernatural creatures (sleep paralysis)

One of the most horrible experiences during sleep which is when experiencing the phenomenon of difficulty moving or familiarly called "rep-repan(in indonesian)" or sleep paralysis supernatural beings. In that situation you will be entered in a difficult condition to move, can not scream, talk, to ask for help. You could just feel the pressure of someone sitting on the chest.

Scientifically, a sleep disorder that occurs due to disturbance in the brain that carry "map themselves". The disorder usually comes when the period of rapid eye movement (REM) or commonly known as the period of dreaming.

Under these conditions, there is no supernatural being involved. The emergence of magical figure that comes merely a hallucination caused by brain disorders moment when the period of REM lasts. So how can fix this? As reported, the following things you should do when experiencing the phenomenon of squeezing.

1. Do not refuse
In the case of sleep disorders such as this, we always have a battle to try to get up or move. In fact, the effort that it gives a bad experience. Things you should do, try to relax. When feeling the pressure, follow the stream to which you will be taken and do not fight it.

2. Wiggle toes
Stretching the fingers and toes can help solve your natural sleep paralysis. In many cases, these efforts proved to help cope with the phenomenon of the sleep disorder.

3. Set the respiratory
It is so important points while experiencing squeezing when sleeping. Respiratory control can affect the fear that you experience. Try to get a normal breathing and exhale freely as possible so that your lungs are working well.

4. Ask for help
If you sleep with a partner or family, make sure that the fucking colleagues realized that sleep disorders are  fucking conditions you are experiencing. You can shout little although not everyone can do it. Or give signs to steal the room-mates that can wake you from sleep paralysis.

5. Cough
Coughing also be the easiest way to escape from a sleep disorder that is medically known as sleep paralysis. In that condition, you can try to cough to wake from sleep.

6. frowned
Take motion-facial movements when Adna are in bad situation. Make facial movements as you smell the stench. Do it three times to get up.

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Recipe Cream Tart Birthday

This is the result of my study, many who love and finally received the order so want to learn continuously. Now there is a question about a recipe cream cake that I use to wrap a birthday cake. A little story that was self-taught learning outcomes bun. Proverbial up a sweat, shed tears while, my cakes fail and fail but make again again again and again thank God Recipe Cream Tart Birthday Done. Continue the spirit of my dear mother certainly could be more beautiful than the cake.

Cream Tart

Ingredients 1

  • 150 sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon pressed SP

Ingredients 2
  • Flour 125gr
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch pressed
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder pressed
  • 2 tablespoons milk powder pressed
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
Ingredients 3
  • Oil 200 ml
  • 150 coating of dark chocolate bar
How to Make Cream
  • Mix and shake until stiff and thick material 1 (call it egg beaters)
  • 2 Mix all ingredients evenly. (Let's call it material 2)
  • Mix and melt material 3. (let's call it brown liquid)
  • Then enter the result 2 sifted ingredients into the egg mixture, stir without a mixer.
  • Enter also melt the chocolate and stir well.
  • Enter into the pan, steamed 40 minutes on medium heat.
To remember, use a coating of chocolate bars which not compound. If special compoud brown print / decoration. If the mixture is made of sponge / chocolate cake settles down or brown mushy mushy. Being special melting chocolate coating can be integrated in the cake. If not a dark chocolate coating not use too delicious. Then there also were asked, now the question comes from the next door neighbor. It reads "It's brown taped to the edge of what could be a nice straight way how? Let me answer mom : That I use chocolate molds slam, there are sale at the grocery store or if you do not have a cake, ice-kilogram plastic prepare, put on a baking sheet, the brown liquid and flush on the plastic! Flatten. Then enter the refrigerator 10 minutes, take a ruler out, make use spatula or knife line. Enter the refrigerator 10 minutes (which is already hardened), remove the release of plastic. So long straight brown smokers and width according to our tastes. Then paste it already smeared cream cake, so.

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How to restore keyboard keys are changed

How to restore keyboard keys are changed

numlock keyboard

Good afternoon hipster. Today I'll post it very short on story computer problems this time, that is to return to normal keyboard, computer keyboard because my friend that one of my team with problematic because my friend's laptop keyboard keys in when I enter the "k" then My friend's computer will output the number "2" then I have to restore it just very simple, by pressing the "fn" key in combination with the "num lk". it's just that I can say if there is more I hope you can share back, if less then you are required to find out for yourself!

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